A Member


Needs of Yoruba People

Yoruba Social and Cultural Association of British Columbia is a non-profit organization located in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. The association is a black-led organization established in 1998 to cater for the needs of the minority ethnic group of Yoruba origin, living in BC. One of the objectives of the association is to provide, promote and foster good social and cultural relationships and an environment where Yoruba people, Yoruba Canadians and other cultural associations can discuss matters of mutual interest to all cultures.

Our Mision
To promote Yoruba tradition, cultural heritage and educate the public of the benefits of learning about the Yoruba culture and other cultures.

Our Vision
Promoting and fostering good social and cultural relationships, and providing a conducive environment, where Yoruba people, Yoruba Canadians, Canadians, and other cultural Associations can freely discuss matters of mutual interests.
Who We Are?
We are a non-profit, voluntary organization, dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the well being of its members.
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Become a member of the Yoruba Social and Cultural Association of British Columbia by completing our membership form.